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14 Ways to Hold Your Clients Accountable

14 Ways to Hold Your Clients Accountable

From reflecting information back to emphasizing win-win timelines, here are 14 answers to the question, “Can you share your most effective tips for holding your coaching/consulting clients accountable?”

Read what other entrepreneurs, coaches, CEOs and Marketing Directors had to say...

Document Everything from Start to Finish

Our job is to focus on the business matters that clients rely on us for so they can focus on their priorities and the things they love to do, even in their social life. With that said, I must have great communication, clear communication, written communication, and confirmations. 

Outside of ensuring we communicate for directives and understanding, I hold them accountable through written communications to confirm or clarify, whether it is a quote, contract, or detailed email on the process and progress, timeframes, cost, and all. I also encourage ALL my clients to have this same procedure with their customers to avoid any issues, legal matters, and loss of time for projects.

Kennette Burgess, CEO, Strategic Marketing Consultant, & Designer, FOCUS Marketing & Development Solutions


Read the full story here ad see the other 13 ways to hold your clients accountable>>

14 Ways to Hold Your Clients Accountable - Keystone Group International (